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Emeka & Constance Okwudishu
The Okwudishu Family founded, sponsors and supports the Kardinia Hope Foundation with: 1. Two Properties that houses the Orphanage and School at Ubulu-Uku, Nigeria. 2. Initial Deposit of $50,000. AUD. 3. Ongoing Monthly Donation of $400 AUD

Kardinia Church Geelong Australia
Kardinia Church recently supported the Foundation with gifts of Chairs.

Australia Books For Children of Afri
Australia Books For Children Of Africa (ABCA) supports the free book project with the donation of thousand of books to Kardinia Hope Foundation

Bicycles For Humanity Melbourne
Bicycles for Humanity Melbourne donated Bicycles to Kardinia Hope Foundation

Hon. David Anuku
Hon. David Anuku (Timeless Memories) is a strong supporter of the KHope Foundation. He recently donated branded School Uniforms to KHope Schools Ubulu-Uku.

Robb Muir
Robb Muir is the first donor to KHope Foundation with $1000 AUD.

Rotary 9780 Donation in Kind

Back2Bikes Melbourne Australia

Sir Anthony Obuh
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